søndag den 3. oktober 2010

Think like a butterfly!

Having the end in mind (no I'm not taking about dead you emo;-P) is what pushes me through this twisty road of obstacles. At the moment I'm feeling and looking worse than I did pre-healing.
I know it's the name of the game and reading things like the Schwarzbein Principle keeps me in check. I can't help from thinking, every now and then; What if this isn't going to work? What if this is not going to fix my issues? It's really true what they say, looks are deceiving. I know I have been "looking" very healthy, most of my life but that didn't come close to what was going on inside. Health-fanatics can sometimes be the most unhealthy individuals! All my life, I have been trying to do everything right instead of just EAT THE FOOD!I guess the reason why I find this a little struggling and anxiety provoking, is that I am not just eating the food, I am also doing things literally 180 spin-around! Imagine having lived your whole life a certain way and then doing the exact opposite. It's like learning how to walk. Everything is engraved so deep in my brain, that it takes every bit of me, every day, not to fall back in old patterns and behaviors -more than I had ever imagined. I am starting to see life in a whole other way. Could life be without struggle?? Is that really possible? If so, it requires a whole other way of thinking, than I have done up until now.
I guess doubting is a part of being human so I shouldn't try to deny it. It's how I feel every now and then. Rome didn't get build in a day and I definitely didn't damage my metabolism, hormones and mind in one day, so how can I expect my poor body to fix me at the blink of an eye? I just need to be patient like the caterpillar and think like a butterfly ;-)

2 kommentarer:

  1. Nice post,
    I had the same kind of 'epiphany' that you had. I had spent so much time out of every day thinking about what I was going to eat and how to prepare it.
    Living with such a structure for a long time and then leaving it is almost scary. At first I would worry about things like "how will I know when I ate the right amount of carbs/pro/fat etc." But eventually I got my natural signals back and thought "wow, this is how normal people feel when they eat" lol.
    As far as the sodium restriction, I did that for about 2 years and did the ultra low/zero carb for 1.5 years. Consider yourself lucky to not get the cramps, as they were a nightly event! Now, after a year of high carb high cal eating I am finally feeling more normal again.

  2. Thanks ;-)
    I know how a cramp feels like because I have experienced one, once or twice in my life and it was excruciating pain! I definitely feel for you!
    Yes, this journey is so truth-revealing. It really makes you second guess, every part of your being. I definitely needed this -well my body has tried to tell me for years. I guess I just needed that wake-up call, to listen.
    Your right! It's hard to get out of the sadomasochistic way of thinking. Bodybuilding is all about discipline , discipline, discipline! There is still a battle going on in my head but I am starting to a little bit more, every day. When I think about it, last time I was really happy, was before I joined my first comp! Now I can't wait to see what the future has in store for me ;-)
