lørdag den 16. oktober 2010

Sick weekend!

Great! It's the weekend and I am celebrating by being sick! I started getting a throat yesterday and today is not any better. I've had a lot of "trouble" with my neck, while on RARRF/HED. I can't help from thinking if it has anything to do with my thyroid. I've actually had a lot of days where I have been feeling sick. I'm normally not sick at all! I can only explain it by my body is working on these new adjustments and trying to figure out where the new homeostasis is.
I continue to have trouble keeping my temperature up. I think I need to take a second look at my intake and make more of an effort to barf down more calories. I am getting more and more convinced that the suddenly increase in temperature, in the beginning, was due to my period coming up. I know that womens temperature are supposed to be a little higher during that time.
My breast tenderness had just come down a bit but is now in full throttle again! I am also lactating like a pregnant women! -Talk about my body being confused! LOL!

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