mandag den 8. november 2010

Please forgive me..

I have now been RRARFing for 2 months. One thing it has definitely cleared by now, is my dizzy spells and low resting pulse. Going from 40 bpm to 60, is a big improvement! I still feel it could get a bit higher, when you take in consideration that I haven't been exercising at all. I've read that a RP in the eighties indicates a well functioning metabolism. My periods is still not stable, I'm still waiting for this month. My hair has not seen any improvement. I still have trouble with my water/sodium balance. This is a sign for me that my adrenals haven't fully recovered, since the hormone aldosterone (regulates the water/sodium balance) is also managed by the adrenals. I believe when they are healed, my water retention will also go away.
I am still in two minds about if I should start doing some workouts again. I'm really trying to listen to my body at this time and not do what I have always done, which is; Just do it. If I listen closely, I still don't want to work out. The question is, do I trust my body's signals or am I just getting too comfortable not doing any training?? My logic tells me, if my body is healthy, it would want to exercise and use energy. If it's still trying to heal a damaged metabolism, it wouldn't want to use any energy, other than on fixing the body. Hmm.. I guess I just kinda answered that my self ;-) I'll wait a little longer.

Today I did some thinking/reflecting to as WHEN I really started doing some serious havoc on my body. I guess it's no surprise that competition diets is not doing any favors for the body. I noticed that every competition prep got harder and harder, over the years. But at my last comp, I really reached my ultimate best condition. I did 1 hour and 40mins at the end of my diet, plus my weight sessions. I was at the lowest body fat in my life! Even my legs (which is most girls problem area due to estrogen) had deep separations! My cheeks was totally sunken in. When you look/feel more dead than alive, you know you have reached your goal (pretty sick, huh?)!
On top of that, I had a lot of things going on in my life, I did some hardcore partying too (just minus the party) and totally overdid the dieting (I have no idea how my body managed to stay alive on the minimum of calories I was consuming. To make matters worse, I was on the show Survivor, which meant real starvation was a reality!
I never gave my body the time to heal from what I had put it through. I never did a re-feed  for real. For 2 days after the comp, I ate whatever I wanted and then jumped right back in the saddle. I remember having ravenous hunger afterwards but I ignored it or killed it with drugs (I was in a pretty bad place).

Today I realized, I am paying for all of that now. The dieting, the overexercising, the partying -EVERYTHING! I totally abused my body back then and instead of resting and re-feeding, I just continued the abuse and never looked back.

Poor body, what have I done to you.. I am so, so sorry.. Please forgive me..

6 kommentarer:

  1. Hey Sheila,
    At least you have figured it out and are on healing path now. I wasn't into comps, but the starving, eating pure processed crap, jogging, lifting, partying, no sleeping, stressful relationships.... destroyed me as well. Even at 13 months RRARF, the healing still has a long long way to go. I hope my body will eventually forgive me too :)

    So you were on Survivor? I used to watch that years ago, sorta lost interest after a few seasons? How far did you make?

  2. Hey Under T!

    For some weird reason I find it calming to my mind that you, after 13 months of RRARF, still are not completely healed. Mostly because you hear many are back to good health, only after a few months of RRARFing -made me think; am I doomed for life?!
    We WILL be forgiven, our salvation has yet to come -and boy is it gonna be good when it finally does ;-)
    How much have you improved on your journey and what are you still missing?

    I'm the same as you. The show has gotten pretty boring, only really watched it when I was in it. LOL!
    I made it half way. I got kicked out on pretty unfair ground. I didn't get in front of the panel and got voted out, like you normally do. One from the other team had the opportunity to pick one from our team and throw them out. He chose me. Surprise! LOL!
    It was a pretty wicked experience though. I learned a lot about myself.

  3. I definitely believe I have had improvements. The only thing left I really want to heal is my skin, but it being the largest organ in the body, I guess it will be last for me. My skin is crazy dry flaky but also extremely oily, so hence my acne issues. I have read so much shit and tried so many things that never worked... so not really sure what the answer is... seems that gut flora and low metabolism (messed up hormones) are to blame somehow, I just hope in time it will heal! Otherwise mood, body comp, sleeping, etc, all are still improving with just eating and no exercise.

    Well if you let me know what season, I will have to download it and check that out! That's really cool that you were on there, but ya probably not good for the metabolism!! :)

  4. My skin is also super dry but at the same time it's not clear. I really believe it's my hormones that are messed up. If I don't use any lotion (which I try to avoid -only use on my face)I get this whitish dust all over. Do you ever get that? I had to totally ditch the vitamin A because my skin got paper thin and even more dry than it already is.
    So a bad gut flora you say.. Do you avoid gluten at all costs?
    Also another issue could be the liver. The liver has so many different jobs in the body and is the organ that cleanses the body of toxins. If the liver isn't working properly, the toxins has to get out trough the skin and fat tissue. The liver also have the job of converting T4 to T3 so again, if it's in bad shape, the conversion fails.
    I know I have a bad liver. My last doctor asked me twice if I was a heavy drinker?! I never drink!

    Well you have to remember, I was on the danish version of survivor, which is actually called Robinson here ;-) Unfortunately (or should I say fortunately, LOL) the episodes are no where to find on the web :-/

  5. Ya I get dandruff like symptoms all over. Its weird, extremely dry flaky skin with extreme oiliness. Perfect storm for acne, lots of skins cells to clog pores and lots of oil to feed the bacteria. I have ditched all supplements, and only take vitamin D occasionally. Going to try the natural route; food!

    Yep liver and skin the big detox organs. I imagine all the boozing I did in my younger ears isn't helping now!

    So you asked about the milk diet, I believe it really didn't help me at all. To hard on my digestion (lactose), and most likely the additional hormones in the milk didn't help me either, made things like acne worse.

    Ah the Danish version, well cool that you had fun on there! Reality celebrity :)

  6. Yeah, I'm the same regarding supplements. Like you, I'm on the D and also C. I really think food is the best "supplement" of all!

    Don't even get me started on my recipe for liver disaster.. Geezzz.. I wonder how long it takes to "clean" it.

    But I thought The Milk Diet was supposed to cure lactose sensitivity? I have found out, I don't do good on too much milk either.

    Best regards from The Reality Celebrity ;-P
