søndag den 19. september 2010

2 steps front, 2 steps back..

I was helping family with moving, this weekend. Lifting really heavy objects and in general being on my feet for 15 hours straight, for three days. I couldn't eat as much as I wanted either. Too much physical activity with too little to eat -not a good combo! I also had too little sleep (the list continues...) which has a strange way of over charging me so I find it hard to relax when I am finally in bed. Every morning I woke up more beaten up than the day before. Today I woke up feeling like I am coming down with something..:-/ We got Chinese take away yesterday and today I woke up with balloon face and couldn't hardly look out of my eyes. My body just can't stand sodium. -Anyone else have that problem? My latest blood test results also revealed high sodium but I couldn't seem to get an explanation from the doc as to why? When I think about it, I've had a problem with that for years. What doesn't make sense to me, is that it normally goes hand in hand with high blood pressure? I've always had the opposite.
Anyways, my sugar cravings have been non existing, ever since I started with HED, which I have been pretty amazed by. Today was the first day I felt sugar cravings (I  had some chocolate and a few lollies) but I think it has something to do with the lack of optimal nutrition (and calories) this weekend and also coming down with something always makes me crave anything and everything. -I find that weird, as everyone else I know, always loose their appetite while sick? I am the total opposite?! I wonder why that is? I am still eating a little gluten here but I want to stop eating it completely, just to be safe that it's not that causing my problems. Ever since I started, I've been able to keep my hands and feet warm with calories but this weekend I took a few steps backwards. I was cold all the way into my bones and nothing seemed to warm me up, not even the coconut oil!? I was also constipated again. I will get right back into resting and eating this upcoming week. I am sure it will correct itself. I am still breaking out here and there. I talked to Undertow about using A vitamin, Zink and K. I will retry that next week as the weekend was a little messy.
Tonight, after eating I actually felt like i was having a fever. My forehead was burning hot. I took my temperature (oral) and it was 36,5 which is high for me but not for a person with a fever.. Not sure how accurate this thermometer actually is. I need to get me one of those Vicks armpit ones, just haven't been able to find it anywhere..

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