onsdag den 29. september 2010


Finally my morning temperature hit 36.5 degrees, and it has been doing that for a couple of days in a row now! -Only half a degree from the "normal" 37! Weird thing is, it still drops during the day?
So how am I feeling? Well, I am still very hungry, very tired and I have gained a fair bit of weight (haven't weighed myself) My boobs are gigantic! -LOL, sorry for the expression but that's really the only word that comes to mind when you look at them!  I've also felt a lot of discomfort in my lower abdomen (ovaries). I take it as a good sign though. It must mean that something is definitely happening in the hormone department! Hopefully my body is figuring out that I am actually a women, and starts to lower my male hormones and balance out my female ones (crossing my fingers).
I have been having a lot of headache too. Every night, the last couple of days.
Regarding the vitamin A -it's really starting to dry my skin out, which is not a good thing. I am  covered with white dust. I might have to stop them completely or maybe try taking them every 3'd or 4'th day, instead of every other day (don't even know if that is possible)
After I started welcoming sodium back in my life, I have experienced how it feels to actually be thirsty! I thought my body had forgotten! Silly me, trying to convince myself that my body somehow had lost the thirsty-button. Maybe if I hadn't totally excluded sodium from my diet, my body would actually WANT water, instead of rejecting it as a survival mechanism. I am constantly learning new things from my buddy (body) ;-)

4 kommentarer:

  1. Hey,
    I've seen your comments on 180 and wanted to comment here. I too found matt's website about a year and half ago coming from a bodybuilding background. His ideas have really helped me. I will tell you from experience that it takes awhile to get re-acclimated to sodium after long term restriction. It took me about 2 weeks. I experienced all the lack of thirst too. I also had the worst cramps of my life in my ankles and shins when I was low sodium.

  2. Hi Riles,
    Nice to meet you.
    180's blog is awesome information. The main thing I love about the blog, is that it makes sense, especially when you come from a bodybuilding background.
    Yeah I am really feeling the rebound, for sure. How long did you go sodium restricted?
    Weird thing is, I've never had problems with cramps.

  3. Riles is a great man! Riles said he once was zero-carb. Maybe that contributed to his cramps. Because zero-carb depletes glycogen? I dunno. I dunno.

  4. Organism as a whole,
    hmmm... I have been zero-carb too, among other silly things ;-) but didn't suffer from cramps there either? Maybe I'm just a freak of nature.. Lol.
